Currants & Gooseberries
Willoughby Black Currant – 1941
– 1941 Price List description –This is the sort that the late Mr. Chipman admired so on Mr. Willoughby’s farm. Fruit very large and prolific. Mr. Willoughby thinks they are Boskoop Giant. They are not the same as we have under that name but a much better fruit. Heavy three-year old plants 50c each; $5.00 per dozen. Rooted layers or cuttings at 20c each; $2.00 per dozen
Honeywood Red #1 – date unknown – We found one plant growing beside the ‘Old red office’ in
2001 with the label ‘Honeywood Red # 1 attached. This plant produces very large red transparent
berries hanging like clusters of grapes on the branches. The fruit is juicy and very tasty. The plan is
to propagate this plant and eventually offer it for sale from the nursery.